Ichabod Crane superintendent stepping down



Over the past several weeks, the Board of Education and Superintendent Vanyo have been engaged in earnest discussions regarding the future of the current employment relationship between the Superintendent and the Ichabod Crane Central School District. The Board’s view has been that the interests of the District, its students, and the community would be best served by Mr. Vanyo voluntarily stepping down as Superintendent. To that end, the Board and Superintendent Vanyo have resolved the matter whereby Mr. Vanyo will voluntarily resign from his employment as Superintendent effective June 30, 2019.

Based on a resolution passed by the Board of Education last night, Mr. Vanyo’s leave of absence has ended as of May 21, 2019. Effective today, Mr. Vanyo will be providing transition work to the District through the end of the 2018-2019 school year, until June 30, 2019. During this time, Mr. Vanyo will work with the District from a remote location to help prepare for his departure and ease the eventual transition period of a new superintendent. After that time, Mr. Vanyo will submit his resignation from the position of superintendent.

In accordance with established Board Policy, Assistant Superintendent Suzanne Guntlow has

been serving as Acting Superintendent since April 9, 2019. Ms. Guntlow will remain in this position and handle the ongoing daily responsibilities of the Superintendent until further notice.

“The Board of Education has worked closely with Mr. Vanyo to find a resolution to this situation that is in the best interest of all parties involved. We remain confident in Ms. Guntlow’s ability to manage the District during this transitional period and ensure a smooth and uninterrupted conclusion of the school year,” said Board of Education President Matthew Nelson.

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