Holocaust Remembrance, Stories Survival and Resilience from Local Residents

Holocaust Remembrance, Stories of Survival and Resilience from Local Residents

What if you had the chance to listen to living Holocaust survivors? Local songwriters and Creative Arts Facilitators met with local survivors and their caregivers to compose songs and craft meaningful pieces of art – including masks, collages, prints and paintings – based on the themes that emerged from their conversations. This spring, they'll share these powerful pieces in an event that highlights the healing power of the arts. 

Honoring Holocaust Survivors: A concert of resilience and hope will be held on May 5th, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh. The entire Hudson Valley community is invited to join Jewish Family Service of Orange County in honoring survivors through this unique event. Made possible by generous funding from the Jewish Federations of North America Center for Advancing Holocaust Survivor Care, as well as partnerships with SageArts, the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County, Newburgh Jewish Community Center, and Mount Saint Mary College, both the concert and art showing will be free and open to the public. Reservations are encouraged. 

Elise Gold, Executive Director of JFS Orange shares, “on behalf of JFS Orange, I am so grateful to offer supports to thirty-five survivors of the Holocaust and those who provide care for them. It is one way in which we can fulfill the agency’s mission of, ‘empowering all people facing challenging times to live with dignity, hope and strength’.” 

For more information about this event and to RSVP, or for information about other JFS Orange services, please visitwww.jfsorange.org or call Paula Blumenau, outreach coordinator, at (845) 341-1173 ext. 305.

330 Powell Ave


05-05-2019 1:00 PM-5:00PM

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