Greene County rescue takes over 8 hours

Town of Hunter 

Greene County 

Rescue:  On Feb. 2 at approximately 5:15 p.m., DEC Central Dispatch received a report of an injured backcountry skier who sustained an unstable lower leg injury after skiing a steep section of the Devils Path on the Hunter West-Kill Wilderness Area.

Rangers Bills, Dawson, DiCintio, Fox, McCartney, Seeley, O'Connor ,  and Slade  r esponded to the Notch Lake Trailhead off County Route 214. The Rangers hiked nearly a mile up to the patient where several volunteers, Hunter Police Department officers, and a  New York  State Police officer were already with the patient.

While Ranger Dawson administered first aid, Rangers DiCintio and Slade began setting up a steep angle rope system with a hand line for the evacuation. The  subject  was hypo-wrapped and packaged in a s l ed by Rangers and volunteers and was subsequently evacuated using a steep angle rope system.

The Rangers and volunteers worked through steep, icy conditions with frigid temperatures throughout the night and were able to get the patient out by 1:30 a.m. the next morning.  The subject  was taken to Columbia Memorial Hospital by Hunter Ambulance.

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