Leeds home destroyed by fire

A home in Leeds was destroyed by fire Friday night. The call came in just before 8:30 at 684 Sandy Plains Road. Four Greene County Fire Companies fought the fully involved blaze in frigid temperatures.

No word this morning on any injuries, the cause is under investigation.

(FEBRUARY 2, 2019) - Volunteers from the Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross provided immediate emergency aid to five people after a fire Friday night on Sandy Plains Road in Leeds, Greene County.

The Red Cross provided financial assistance for necessities such as shelter, food and clothing to one adult and four children. Volunteers also offered emotional support and comfort kits containing personal care items and stuffed animals for the children. In the coming days, Red Cross staff and volunteers will remain available to help those affected by the fire as they navigate the road to recovery.

Thank you Catskill FD for the pic, more here: https://www.facebook.com/Catskill-Fire-Company-Inc-207204735956997/

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