From Hudson Police:
Press Release – Threat at Hospital
At 4:06pm on Thursday January 25, 2019 from Columbia Memorial Hospital staff that they had received a threatening phone call. The female caller allegedly stated that she would “shoot the place up”. CMH staff advised responding officers that the caller was apparently dissatisfied with the care her mother was receiving at the hospital.
Safety protocols were quickly enacted, and police officers established checkpoints at the hospital entrances.
HPD Detectives asked the New York State Police to check the caller’s residence, and a short time thereafter Hudson Detectives contacted the caller on the telephone and arranged to meet her at the Catskill PD station.
Arrested was DEBORAH J McCONNELL, age 57, of Palenville, NY. She was charged with “Making a Terroristic Threat”, a class D Felony. She was arraigned in Hudson City Court in front of Judge John Conner, where she was remanded to the Columbia County Jail in lieu of $2500 dollars bail. McConnell is to reappear in Hudson City Court on 01/29/19 at 8:30am.
The checkpoints around the hospital were removed at 5pm.